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Support for Ukraine

position explained

I firmly support the continuation of both military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine amidst the ongoing Russian invasion. This commitment is rooted in a belief that defending democracies under siege is not merely an option but a fundamental obligation for the United States. Ukraine’s fight against unwarranted aggression stands as a stark embodiment of the battle between democratic sovereignty and authoritarian expansionism.

The U.S.’ unwavering support for Ukraine is predicated on the belief that free nations have the inalienable right to self-determination and liberty. The invasion by Russia is not only a breach of international law but a direct assault on these values. By standing with Ukraine, we uphold the international norms that have underpinned decades of relative peace and stability post-World War II. Failure to support Ukraine could set a dangerous precedent, signaling to authoritarian regimes worldwide that aggression and territorial conquests will be met with passive acquiescence.

Furthermore, our assistance to Ukraine transcends mere geopolitical strategy; it is a testament to our commitment to the universal principles of freedom, democracy, and human dignity. Allowing Ukraine to fall to Russian dominance would not only betray these values but would undermine global security, emboldening oppressive regimes to consider similar aggressive actions.

It is in that light that I am a champion for robust support for Ukraine, marrying military aid to ensure their self-defense with humanitarian assistance to alleviate the suffering of its people. This stance is integral to my broader foreign policy ethos, which prioritizes the defense of democratic institutions and the protection of human rights.


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