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Anderson Statement on Congressman Garret Graves’ Decision Not to Seek Reelection

Today, we acknowledge the decision by Congressman Garret Graves not to seek reelection following the recent redistricting that has reshaped Louisiana’s 6th Congressional District. While we may not have always aligned on policy, it is important to recognize the service and commitment he has shown to his constituents over the years.

Congressman Graves’ work, particularly in the areas of transportation and infrastructure, has contributed to critical developments in Louisiana. His efforts on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will be remembered, and his absence from the next Congress will leave a notable gap in leadership and experience on the other side of the aisle that I worry will not be replaced easily.

As we move forward into this new chapter, it is crucial to continue focusing on what unites us rather than what divides us. The new district lines present a unique opportunity to bring diverse communities together and to address the needs of all Louisianians with fresh perspectives and renewed energy.

To the residents of the newly drawn 6th District – whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Democratic Socialist, Green, or Independent – I am committed to listening to your concerns, working diligently on your behalf, and ensuring that your voices are heard in Washington.

My vision for Louisiana includes prioritizing reducing crime with evidence-based solutions, promoting economic growth to end the brain drain, modernizing our infrastructure, supporting a just transition from fossil fuels, and ensuring a living wage and fair labor rights for all workers. Together, we can navigate this period of change and build a future that benefits everyone in our great state.

I am more determined than ever to bring this message to all voters across the district and to bring real change to Louisiana come November.

For Immediate Release - Anderson Graves Statement