Anderson Designated as ERA Certified Candidate for 2024 Election

The ERA Coalition officially designated Quentin Anthony Anderson, Democratic candidate for Louisiana’s 6th Congressional District, as an ERA Certified candidate for the 2024 election cycle. This certification is awarded to candidates who demonstrate a strong commitment to gender equality and the full ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

To achieve ERA Certification, candidates must recognize the ERA as fully ratified, actively advocate for its publication, and incorporate the principles of gender equality into their campaign messaging and policies. This designation signals Anderson’s steadfast support for the ERA and his pledge to prioritize gender equality and advocate for the rights of all Americans, regardless of gender.

“I’m honored to be recognized as an ERA Certified candidate,” Anderson said. “Equality is a cornerstone of a just society, and I am committed to ensuring that the Equal Rights Amendment is recognized and fully implemented. This is a fundamental issue of fairness, and I’m proud to join the fight to make gender equality a reality in our laws.”

The ERA Coalition, consisting of 300 partner organizations, announced Anderson’s designation Wednesday to a broad network of advocates, supporters, and stakeholders committed to gender equality.

Why Politicians Who Don’t Live in Their Districts Can’t Truly Represent Us

As voters, we deserve representatives who are connected to our communities—who understand the challenges we face because they, too, live with those challenges. When politicians claim a district for campaign purposes while residing in far-flung, wealthier neighborhoods, they’re signaling a willingness to distance themselves from the realities their constituents endure. It’s not just a matter of geography; it’s a matter of integrity and empathy. A politician who doesn’t live in the district they represent has less of a stake in the impact of their decisions and is more likely to sell out the community they’re supposed to champion.

Take my opponent, longtime State Senator Cleo Fields, who has made a career of claiming a connection to North Baton Rouge, but spends most of his time in a comfortable home in a wealthier part of the city. He insists that his official residence is in the district, but anyone who’s paying attention knows the difference between an address and a home. Fields’ apparent reliance on a legal loophole to maintain his eligibility in Senate District 14 is more than just a technicality – it’s a red flag. If he’s willing to sidestep the spirit of the law for his own political gain, how can he be trusted to uphold the interests of the people he’s supposed to serve?

When a politician lives outside their district, they are shielded from the direct impact of their decisions. Consider the neighborhoods in North Baton Rouge, which are plagued by the toxic proximity of petrochemical plants and the persistent socioeconomic struggles that accompany them. These communities face real, ongoing challenges, from health risks to underfunded schools. For a politician residing in a safer, wealthier part of Baton Rouge, these issues are abstractions rather than everyday realities. They don’t have to breathe the air or experience the gaps in education and healthcare that define the lives of the people in Senate District 14.

Fields’ history of controversy further highlights why his tenuous connection to his district is problematic. This isn’t someone who has built a legacy of unwavering loyalty to his community. Instead, he has faced allegations and ethical questions, including a now-infamous video showing him receiving $25,000 in cash from former Governor Edwin Edwards. Fields might not have been in public office at the time, but the specter of that incident looms over him, as does the perception that he’s willing to make deals that benefit himself more than his constituents. Living outside his district only exacerbates the suspicion that he views his Senate seat as a career stepping stone rather than a calling to serve.

When politicians like Fields play the residency game, they’re showing us that they’re willing to put their ambitions ahead of our needs. They live in a world separate from the people they serve, and that separation allows them to make deals that harm our communities without ever facing the consequences themselves.

Voters should take a hard look at where their politicians really live, because it’s a powerful indicator of whose interests they’re truly representing. A candidate’s physical residence speaks volumes about their commitment to the people they serve. When they live outside the district, they are free to make deals that sell us out. They don’t have to face the direct fallout from their actions, and that distance allows them to prioritize personal gain over public service.

If we want politicians who are genuinely invested in our futures, we need to choose leaders who share our lives, not just our ballots. We need representatives who live in our neighborhoods, send their kids to our schools, and share in our struggles. It’s time to demand that our elected officials not only understand our challenges but also face them alongside us. Only then can we be sure that they’ll fight for us when it matters most.

Anderson To Host Congressional Candidate Town Hall in Shreveport

Democratic congressional candidate Quentin Anthony Anderson will be hosting a free and public town hall meeting this Friday, September 27th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Consortium Venue.

This event is open to all members of the community regardless of political affiliation, with a strong emphasis on listening to the concerns of local residents.

In an effort to foster open dialogue, Anderson encourages voters to bring their questions, concerns, and ideas for the future of the district. “This isn’t a Democratic or Republican event—it’s not just for supporters. If elected, I want to serve you. So it’s important that I listen to you,” said Anderson.

Attendees are asked to RSVP online, as space is limited and food will be provided. The town hall is a prime opportunity for Shreveport residents to engage directly with the candidate, share their thoughts on critical issues, and hear more about Anderson’s vision for the district.

Event Details:

  • Date: Friday, September 27th
  • Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Location: Consortium Venue, 1925 North Market St., Shreveport, LA 71107
    Seating is limited. RSVP online to secure your spot. RSVP here.

Anderson Campaign Releases New Campaign Ad Challenging Cleo Fields’ Decades of “Experience”

The Anderson campaign unveiled a hard-hitting new television and digital ad titled “Filed Leadership” today. The ad features a voiceover by Quentin Anthony Anderson from a recent campaign event, challenging the status quo and the failed leadership of long-time State Senator Cleo Fields.

The ad highlights the economic devastation and continued neglect in Senate District 14, where Cleo Fields has been in office since 1988. It showcases dilapidated infrastructure, struggling schools, and pervasive poverty, juxtaposed against Anderson’s call for urgent change and active leadership.

“And many of our leaders have institutionalized the understanding that our community expects disappointment, so they deliver disappointment. And after a while, they don’t even fight for us because they know no one’s checking them,” Anderson says in the ad. “If we want to see something different, we have to do something different.”

The campaign also released a fact sheet detailing the dire state of District 14 under Fields’ representation, illustrating how his tenure has failed to improve—or has even worsened—the lives of his constituents. The fact sheet includes shocking statistics about economic disparities,  and educational challenges that have persisted or deteriorated during Fields’ time in office.

The ad concludes with a powerful message: “Cleo Fields isn’t for us. Cleo Fields is for Cleo Fields.” It calls on voters in the newly-configured 6th District to make a decisive choice for change this November.

“Experience without results is simply a wasted opportunity, and it’s time for new leadership that will truly advocate for the needs of all constituents,” said Quentin Anthony Anderson. “Our district deserves a representative who will fight tirelessly to address our challenges—not one who complacently presides over decline.”

The new ad “Failed Leadership” will air across the 6th District on various digital platforms and television starting today.

Download the Cleo Fields Leadership Fact Sheet here.

Anderson Statement on the Apalachee High School Shooting

My heart breaks for the families and loved ones of the two young students and two teachers whose lives were stolen in the devastating mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. I stand in solidarity with the wounded, the survivors, and the entire community reeling from this senseless tragedy. No child should ever have to live in fear of attending school, and no parent should have to wonder if they’ll see their child return home at the end of the day. Yet, here we are again.

What happened yesterday is not just another incident. It is a glaring failure of our country to take real action in addressing the epidemic of gun violence that continues to terrorize our schools and communities. The fact that this 14-year-old suspect was previously questioned by law enforcement about threats, and still had access to a deadly AR-15-style weapon, is beyond unacceptable.

Enough is enough. We have the power to stop these tragedies, and it’s time for Congress to act. The overwhelming majority of Americans — Democrats, Republicans, and Independents — support common-sense gun safety measures like universal background checks, closing gun show loopholes, and restricting access to weapons of war like AR-15s. It is past time to pass these wildly popular policies.

This tragedy marks at least the 45th school shooting this year alone. How many more? How many more lives need to be lost before we demand that our leaders in Washington take real, decisive action? Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Our children, teachers, and communities deserve more. They deserve to live without the constant threat of gun violence looming over them. It is our moral obligation to do everything in our power to ensure that this never happens again.

To the families and community of Apalachee High School—please know that we mourn with you, we stand with you, and we will keep pushing for the change that should have come long ago.

A Bold Vision for Louisiana: Anderson Shines in the 6th Congressional District Debate

The recent debate for Louisiana’s 6th Congressional District, hosted by KALB-TV in Alexandria, provided a clear contrast in leadership, with only two candidates stepping up to the plate: Quentin Anthony Anderson of Baton Rouge and Peter Williams from Lettsworth. The absence of state Sen. Cleo Fields and Republican former state Sen. Elbert Guillory was notable, especially considering their status as party-endorsed candidates. Their decision to skip the debate left voters with a unique opportunity to hear in-depth from two candidates who are committed enough to the district’s future to show up.

A Fresh Voice for Change

Quentin Anthony Anderson made a compelling case for why he should be the next representative for the 6th District. Quentin’s emphasis on transparency, accountability, and bold representation resonated throughout the debate. He criticized the current political culture in Louisiana, which he described as regressive and riddled with cronyism and nepotism, noting that this culture is a major factor in the state’s brain drain and economic stagnation.

Quentin’s approach to bipartisanship was grounded in a return to “regular order” in Congress—a system where every bill starts in committee, allowing for broader input and reducing the influence of party leadership. He argued that this method would empower individual members of Congress to truly represent their districts’ interests, rather than being beholden to party leaders.

Addressing the Needs of the District

Throughout the debate, Anderson demonstrated his deep understanding of the diverse needs of the 6th District, which stretches from Shreveport to Baton Rouge. He spoke about the importance of listening to constituents and making their priorities his own, whether it’s supporting the farm bill, addressing the housing crisis in North Louisiana, or ensuring the completion of critical infrastructure projects like the Comite River Diversion Canal.

One of the most pressing issues discussed was the brain drain affecting Louisiana. Anderson argued that the solution lies not just in creating jobs, but in changing the state’s political culture to make it more attractive for young people to live and work in Louisiana. He emphasized the need to address the systemic issues that make the state seem backward and unwelcoming, such as regressive policies and a lack of diversity in leadership.

Healthcare as a Right

Healthcare was another major topic of discussion, with Anderson reaffirming his belief that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. He advocated for a return to a robust public health system, such as Louisiana’s defunct charity hospital system, to ensure that all residents have access to quality care, regardless of their ability to pay. Quentin also expressed strong support for a Medicare-for-all system or, at the very least, the inclusion of a public option in the healthcare marketplace to lower costs and increase accessibility.

A Call for Bold, Unapologetic Representation

In his closing statements, Quentin urged voters to think critically about their choice in this election. He highlighted the importance of electing someone who is not only representative of the district but is also willing to fight unapologetically for the interests of its residents. “Bold, unapologetic representation is what matters,” Quentin said. “It doesn’t matter just to have somebody that looks like you. It matters to have somebody that’s gonna fight for you.”

As the campaign moves forward, Quentin’s strong performance in the debate positions him as a candidate who is not just seeking office but is committed to making real, tangible changes that will benefit all residents of the 6th District. His message is clear: Louisiana needs a representative who will challenge the status quo and fight for a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

You can watch the full debate below:

Anderson Endorsed by the Committee to Protect Health Care

Quentin Anthony Anderson has been officially endorsed by the Committee to Protect Health Care as a Care for U.S. Candidate. This endorsement underscores Anderson’s commitment to addressing critical healthcare issues, including lowering healthcare costs, protecting the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and restoring access to reproductive health care.

The Committee to Protect Health Care, a national mobilization of over 20,000 medical providers and healthcare advocates, selected Anderson for his strong stance on healthcare reform and his dedication to ensuring that all Americans have access to quality, affordable healthcare.

Healthcare as a Pocketbook Issue

Anderson has made healthcare a central focus of his campaign, framing it as a crucial pocketbook issue for Louisiana families. “Health care costs continue to rise, and for most families, this is simply unsustainable,” Anderson stated. His platform includes advocating for the expansion of the Inflation Reduction Act’s provisions, which allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices and cap out-of-pocket costs for seniors.

Additionally, Anderson has voiced his support for the ACA, emphasizing the importance of protecting its provisions, such as preventing insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions and ensuring that millions of Americans can access affordable healthcare through Medicaid and Marketplace plans.

Commitment to Reproductive Health and Freedom

In light of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, Anderson has committed to fighting for reproductive health and freedom. With a growing majority of Americans supporting the legality of abortion in all or most cases, Anderson has pledged to oppose any attempts to implement a national abortion ban and to restore and protect access to reproductive healthcare across the country.

“Reproductive health care is a fundamental right, and Louisiana women deserve a champion in Congress who won’t be uncomfortable or equivocal about defending that right,” Anderson said.

A Call for Bipartisan Solutions

Anderson’s endorsement by the Committee to Protect Health Care highlights his dedication to promoting bipartisan solutions in healthcare. He has voiced support for site-neutral payments, a policy that would ensure patients are charged the same amount for medical services, regardless of where they are provided. This policy aims to reduce healthcare costs by preventing large hospital systems from inflating prices when they acquire smaller physician practices.

Moving Forward

The Committee to Protect Health Care’s endorsement of Quentin Anderson as a Care for U.S. Candidate is a significant boost to his campaign, signaling strong support from the medical community. With healthcare at the forefront of his platform, Anderson continues to advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being of Louisiana families and all Americans.

Anderson Addresses the Crisis in Shreveport, Calls for Bold Action to Protect Residents

On Sunday, Quentin Anthony Anderson, Democratic candidate for Congress in Louisiana’s 6th District, visited The Pines apartment complex in Shreveport, where he delivered a powerful statement addressing the ongoing crisis resulting from mass evictions and utility cutoffs at several local apartment complexes.

“As I stand here at The Pines, it’s clear that the situation in Shreveport is more than just a local crisis — it’s a stark reminder of why we need forceful, unapologetic advocacy at the highest levels of government,” Anderson stated. He emphasized that the conditions at The Pines, Jolie, Villa Norte, and other complexes are not only a failure of local management but also of a system that allows absentee landlords to neglect their responsibilities while residents suffer.

The crisis, which led to a state of emergency declaration by Mayor Tom Arceneaux, has left many residents without basic necessities like water and electricity. Anderson criticized the system that permitted these conditions to fester, stressing the need for strong leadership in Congress to hold landlords accountable and protect the rights of tenants.

“The fact that the city had to declare a state of emergency to address basic human needs like water and electricity – in 2024 – shows just how broken the current system is,” Anderson continued. “We need bold, decisive action to protect our communities and ensure that what is happening here in Shreveport never happens again.”

Anderson’s statement was accompanied by a call for stronger federal oversight and funding to ensure that every American has access to safe, sanitary housing, regardless of their location. He vowed to make housing security a top priority in his campaign, promising to fight for the resources and policies necessary to prevent such crises in the future.

Understanding the Comite River Diversion Canal Project

The Comite River Diversion Canal project is a crucial infrastructure initiative designed to protect our communities from the devastating impacts of flooding. As a candidate for Congress in Louisiana’s 6th District, I fully support the completion of this project and have outlined my position on making it a top priority if elected. You can read my full position here.

What is the Comite River Diversion Canal Project?

The Comite River Diversion Canal is designed to divert excess water from the Comite River into the Mississippi River during periods of heavy rainfall. By creating this diversion, the project aims to significantly reduce the flood risk for thousands of homes and businesses in the region.

Why is the Project Important?

Flooding has been a persistent and severe issue for many residents in our district. The Comite River Diversion Canal is critical for several reasons:

  1. Protection of Lives and Property: The canal will provide essential protection for our communities, safeguarding lives, homes, and businesses from severe flood damage.
  2. Economic Stability: Flooding disrupts local economies, causing significant financial losses. By mitigating flood risks, the project will help ensure greater economic stability and security for our residents.
  3. Environmental Benefits: Properly managing floodwaters will help preserve our natural landscapes and reduce the long-term environmental impact of uncontrolled flooding.

Causes for Delays and Cost Increases

Despite the clear benefits of the Comite River Diversion Canal, the project has faced numerous delays and cost increases over the years. Some of the key factors contributing to these issues include:

  1. Funding Shortages: Inconsistent and insufficient funding has been a significant barrier to the timely completion of the project. Securing the necessary federal and state funds has been a prolonged and challenging process.
  2. Bureaucratic Hurdles: Navigating the complex web of regulatory requirements and approvals has caused significant delays. Coordination between multiple agencies at the federal, state, and local levels has often been slow and inefficient.
  3. Environmental Concerns: Addressing environmental concerns and ensuring compliance with various environmental regulations have also contributed to delays. While these considerations are important, they have added layers of complexity to the project.
  4. Design and Engineering Challenges: The technical challenges associated with designing and constructing a large-scale flood diversion system have led to revisions and modifications in the project plan, resulting in additional time and costs.
  5. Land Acquisition Issues: Acquiring the necessary land and rights-of-way for the project has been another hurdle. Negotiations and legal processes related to land acquisition have often been protracted.

Moving Forward

Understanding the significance of the Comite River Diversion Canal project and the reasons behind its delays underscores the urgency of completing it. The safety and well-being of our residents depend on the timely and efficient execution of this vital infrastructure initiative.

As we look to the future, it is essential to prioritize the completion of the Comite River Diversion Canal and address the challenges that have hindered its progress. By securing consistent funding, streamlining regulatory processes, and fostering collaboration among all stakeholders, we can overcome these obstacles and ensure the project’s success.

For more information on my position regarding the Comite River Diversion Canal and my commitment to making it a top priority, please read my full position here.

We Must Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act

In the ongoing fight to protect our sacred right to vote, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act stands as a beacon of hope and progress. And that’s why I vow – if elected – to lead the charge on getting this bill passed in the next Congress.

Named after the legendary civil rights leader and Congressman John Lewis, this vital piece of legislation is designed to restore and strengthen key provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that have been intentionally weakened over the years.

What is the John Lewis Voting Rights Act?

The John Lewis Voting Rights Act aims to ensure that every American has equal access to the ballot box by addressing various forms of voter suppression. The act seeks to restore the full protections of the original Voting Rights Act by:

  1. Restoring Preclearance: The act reinstates the requirement for states and localities with a history of voting discrimination to obtain federal approval before making changes to their voting laws or practices. This preclearance provision, which was effectively nullified by the Supreme Court’s 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision, is crucial for preventing discriminatory practices before they can take effect.
  2. Updating the Coverage Formula: The legislation modernizes the formula used to determine which jurisdictions are subject to preclearance based on recent voting rights violations. This ensures that areas with contemporary issues of discrimination are appropriately monitored. In other words, sure, no states are instituting old school poll taxes or counting jelly beans, but if they’re doing things that in the modern age we know make it harder to vote but weren’t envisioned in the original formula, this law takes that into account as well.
  3. Enhancing Transparency: The act requires states and localities to publicly disclose any changes to voting laws and practices, ensuring greater transparency and accountability. This provision helps voters and advocacy groups stay informed and mobilize against potential discriminatory measures.
  4. Expanding Protections: The act strengthens protections against discriminatory voting practices by broadening the scope of what constitutes a violation. This includes not only traditional forms of discrimination but also practices that disproportionately impact minority communities.

Why I Support the John Lewis Voting Rights Act

As a candidate dedicated to justice, equality, and the protection of civil rights, I wholeheartedly support the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Here’s why:

  1. Protecting Democracy: Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. Ensuring that every citizen has the ability to participate in the electoral process is essential for a healthy and functioning democracy. This act provides the necessary safeguards to protect against voter suppression and discrimination.
  2. Addressing Modern Challenges: In recent years, we’ve seen numerous attempts to restrict voting rights and disenfranchise marginalized communities. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act addresses these contemporary challenges with updated measures that reflect the current landscape of voting rights.
  3. Empowering Communities: By ensuring that all Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background, have equal access to the ballot box, we empower communities to have a voice in their government. This leads to more representative and responsive leadership that truly reflects the will of the people.
  4. Honoring a Legacy: John Lewis dedicated his life to the struggle for civil rights and voting equality. Supporting this act is a way to honor his legacy and continue his work. It’s a commitment to the principles of fairness and equality that he fought for throughout his life.

The passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act is not just a legislative necessity; it is a moral imperative for our country. I am committed to advocating for this critical piece of legislation and working towards a future where every American’s right to vote is protected and upheld. Together, we can build a stronger, more inclusive democracy that honors the legacy of John Lewis, our constitution, and ensures justice for all.