Expanding Access to Child Care

I believe that expanding access to affordable child care is crucial in supporting families and reducing financial insecurity, which is a significant factor in the decision to seek an abortion. I believe that affordable, high-quality child care is essential for working families, but the cost of care continues to rise, becoming one of the biggest barriers to employment for parents, particularly women. This policy would aim to make child care more affordable and accessible to all families, regardless of income.

I will promote policies that increase funding for child care subsidies, improve access to early childhood education, and provide paid family leave. By creating a more supportive environment for women and families, we can help reduce the number of abortions and ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive.

I will fight for:

  • Universal Child Care: Establish a federal program that provides universal access to affordable child care for children aged 0-5, ensuring that every child receives quality early childhood education and care, regardless of their family’s financial situation.
  • Sliding-Scale Subsidies: Implement sliding-scale subsidies for middle- and low-income families to reduce the financial burden of child care, making it affordable and accessible to all. These subsidies would ensure that no family pays more than 7% of their income on child care.
  • Workforce Investment: Increase federal funding to train, hire, and retain high-quality early childhood educators, ensuring that child care providers receive fair wages and professional development opportunities.

These policies would provide relief for millions of working parents, especially women, allowing them to remain in the workforce without the crushing cost of child care. It would also support child development by ensuring children are in nurturing, educational environments.


Women’s Reproductive Rights

I firmly support a comprehensive policy on women’s reproductive rights. I am committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and I oppose any bans on contraception and IVF treatments (weird that we need to say this in 2024).

Beyond that, I believe in:

A Constitutional Amendment to Protect a Woman’s Right to Choose

I strongly advocate for a constitutional amendment that enshrines a woman’s right to choose into the highest law of the land. This amendment would:

  • Guarantee Reproductive Autonomy: Secure a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, including the right to safe and legal abortion, free from government interference. OF COURSE I’m not in favor of a 9-month abortion – I’m not in FAVOR of any abortions. But I trust women and their doctors to make the decisions that are best for them. And government shouldn’t get in the way of that.
  • Ensure Equal Access: Protect access to reproductive healthcare for all women, regardless of their socioeconomic status, geographic location, or other barriers. If you criminalize certain procedures in a whole state, you’re effectively taking alternative options off the table for many poor folks in that state. Not everyone has a couple hundred dollars to travel out of state for a medical procedure.

Opposition to Bans on Contraception and IVF Treatments

In addition to supporting a constitutional amendment, I am firmly against any attempts to restrict access to contraception and IVF treatments. I believe in:

  • Protecting Contraceptive Access: Ensuring that all women have access to affordable and effective contraception, recognizing that birth control is a critical component of reproductive health and family planning.
  • Supporting IVF Treatments: Defending the right of individuals and couples to access in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, which provide a pathway to parenthood for many facing infertility.

Comprehensive Reproductive Healthcare

My positions on women’s reproductive rights also encompass broader healthcare policy to ensure comprehensive care & access for women:

  • Expanding Healthcare Coverage: Advocate for expanding healthcare coverage that includes reproductive health services, ensuring that all women have access to the care they need.
  • Funding for Planned Parenthood and Similar Organizations: Support funding for organizations that provide essential reproductive health services, including cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment, and prenatal care.

I am committed to working tirelessly in Congress to sponsor and support legislation that protects reproductive rights and expands access to reproductive healthcare, while vocally & strongly opposing any legislative efforts that seek to roll back reproductive rights or limit access to reproductive healthcare services.

Every woman deserves the right to make decisions about her own body and her reproductive health. By supporting a constitutional amendment to protect a woman’s right to choose and opposing bans on contraception and IVF treatments, we can ensure that reproductive rights are upheld and that all women have access to the comprehensive healthcare they need.

See Also: Quentin Anthony Anderson Endorsed by Nat’l Organization for Women PAC