Modernizing our Supply Chain Infrastructure

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed weaknesses in America’s supply chain infrastructure, leading to delays, shortages, and increased costs of goods. To reduce costs and improve efficiency, the federal government needs to invest in modernizing our supply chain infrastructure, from manufacturing to transportation.

I will fight to:

  • Invest in Transportation Infrastructure: Increase federal investment in ports, railways, and highways to streamline the transportation of goods across the country. This would reduce delays and costs associated with moving goods, making essential items like food, medicine, and consumer goods more affordable.
  • Support Domestic Manufacturing: Encourage domestic production of essential goods by offering tax incentives for companies that manufacture critical items like food, electronics, and pharmaceuticals within the U.S. Reducing reliance on international supply chains would reduce vulnerabilities and lower shipping costs.
  • Improve Technology and Logistics: Expand federal support for upgrading supply chain technology, such as blockchain and real-time tracking systems, which would improve efficiency and transparency in the movement of goods.

A modernized supply chain would ensure a smoother flow of goods, lower costs for consumers, and greater resilience against disruptions. It would also support job creation in manufacturing and logistics industries in Louisiana and across the U.S.

Expanding Access to Child Care

I believe that expanding access to affordable child care is crucial in supporting families and reducing financial insecurity, which is a significant factor in the decision to seek an abortion. I believe that affordable, high-quality child care is essential for working families, but the cost of care continues to rise, becoming one of the biggest barriers to employment for parents, particularly women. This policy would aim to make child care more affordable and accessible to all families, regardless of income.

I will promote policies that increase funding for child care subsidies, improve access to early childhood education, and provide paid family leave. By creating a more supportive environment for women and families, we can help reduce the number of abortions and ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive.

I will fight for:

  • Universal Child Care: Establish a federal program that provides universal access to affordable child care for children aged 0-5, ensuring that every child receives quality early childhood education and care, regardless of their family’s financial situation.
  • Sliding-Scale Subsidies: Implement sliding-scale subsidies for middle- and low-income families to reduce the financial burden of child care, making it affordable and accessible to all. These subsidies would ensure that no family pays more than 7% of their income on child care.
  • Workforce Investment: Increase federal funding to train, hire, and retain high-quality early childhood educators, ensuring that child care providers receive fair wages and professional development opportunities.

These policies would provide relief for millions of working parents, especially women, allowing them to remain in the workforce without the crushing cost of child care. It would also support child development by ensuring children are in nurturing, educational environments.


Expanding Affordable Housing Options

The lack of affordable housing has reached crisis levels in many parts of the country. Rent is becoming an unsustainable portion of household income, leaving families vulnerable to eviction and homelessness. Affordable housing must be a top federal priority, with policies designed to increase the supply of low-cost homes and provide rent relief.

I will push for increased federal funding for the construction and maintenance of affordable housing units. I want to see that funding focus on both urban and rural areas, ensuring that growth and revitalization are balanced and beneficial to all residents. By incentivizing the private sector and local governments to develop affordable housing projects, we can address the critical shortage that many communities in Louisiana and elsewhere face.

I will also fight for:

  • Build More Affordable Housing: Significantly increase federal investment in the construction of affordable housing units through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and other federal grants. This would ensure that housing is available to low- and moderate-income families in both urban and rural areas.
  • Expand Housing Vouchers: Increase funding for Section 8 vouchers, which allows low-income families to afford rent in private housing. The current demand for vouchers far outpaces availability, and expanding this program would help ensure that every qualifying family can receive assistance.
  • Rent Control and Stabilization: Encourage states to adopt rent control policies that limit excessive rent increases and ensure that rents remain affordable for tenants in high-demand areas.

Expanding affordable housing and rent relief programs would reduce homelessness, improve housing stability for millions of families, and help mitigate the spiraling cost of living in urban areas.