Defending Trans Rights

I firmly believe in the right of every individual, regardless of gender identity, to live their lives with dignity, privacy, and freedom. Defending the rights of transgender individuals, particularly trans youth, is essential to ensuring that everyone can access the healthcare they need without fear of discrimination or governmental intrusion.

Central to my commitment to trans rights is the protection of the relationship between transgender individuals and their healthcare providers. Decisions about medical care should be made privately between patients and their doctors, free from political interference. This is especially critical for trans youth, who deserve to have their healthcare decisions guided by medical professionals and supported by their families—not dictated by politicians.

I will fight against legislation that seeks to undermine the privacy and autonomy of transgender people, particularly in their healthcare choices. I will also advocate for stronger legal protections to ensure that trans individuals have equal access to healthcare, employment, housing, and education. Everyone deserves the right to live authentically and safely, and that includes respecting the confidentiality and integrity of the doctor-patient relationship.


I firmly believe that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves equal rights and protections under the law. No one should be subjected to second-class citizenship in this country. Unfortunately, discrimination against queer individuals persists in Louisiana despite federal protections.

Advocating for Queer Rights in Louisiana

  • Marriage Equality: I am a staunch supporter of marriage equality. Love is love, and everyone should have the right to marry the person they love. In Congress, I will work to ensure that marriage equality remains protected and that any attempts to undermine this fundamental right are vigorously opposed.
  • Adoption Rights: I believe that all loving and qualified individuals should have the right to adopt, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Children deserve loving homes, and queer individuals and couples have proven time and again to be excellent parents. Besides, there are some pretty awful straight environments kids are growing up in, so quality parenting is not exclusive to straight couples. I will advocate for legislation that ensures queer individuals have the same adoption rights as anyone else and that no one is denied the privilege to adopt based on discriminatory practices.
  • Supporting the Equality Act: I will actively support the Equality Act, which provides comprehensive protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in various areas, including housing, employment, and public accommodations.
  • Strengthening Anti-Discrimination Laws: I will work to strengthen anti-discrimination laws at the federal level to ensure that they are enforced effectively and that there are clear & painful consequences for violations.
  • Promoting Inclusive Policies: I will advocate for policies that promote inclusivity and equality in all aspects of public life, including education, healthcare, and the workplace.
  • Working with Local Organizations: I will collaborate with local LGBTQIA+ organizations in Louisiana to ensure that the specific needs and concerns of the queer community are addressed and that their voices are heard in the legislative process.

Discrimination against queer individuals is unacceptable, and I am committed to fighting for a more just and equitable society. Your rights and dignity are non-negotiable, and I will tirelessly advocate for policies that protect and uplift the queer community in Louisiana and across the nation.

Black Lives Matter

I stand in support of the Black Lives Matter movement as a powerful contemporary echo of the civil rights movement, advocating for justice, equality, and the end of systemic racism that plagues our society. Much like the civil rights movement of the 1960s, Black Lives Matter is not about endorsing a singular organization or adopting a uniform set of beliefs; rather, it’s about rallying around the fundamental idea that African Americans – as well as Latinx Americans, women, LGBTQIA+ members, immigrants, the disabled, the elderly – deserve the same rights, protections, and opportunities as all other citizens. It is a call to action to rectify inequalities and injustices that have been deeply rooted in our nation’s fabric for centuries.