Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a vital part of our clean energy future, offering a reliable and low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels. As we work to combat climate change, the benefits of nuclear energy — such as consistent energy production and reduced greenhouse gas emissions — are clear. However, it is crucial to approach nuclear power with caution, particularly regarding the unresolved issue of nuclear waste storage.

  • Support for Nuclear Energy: I support the inclusion of nuclear energy in our energy mix due to its ability to produce large amounts of electricity with minimal carbon emissions. Nuclear power plants can operate continuously, providing a stable and dependable energy source that complements renewable energy sources like wind and solar, which are variable in nature. As we transition to a more sustainable energy future, nuclear power can play a critical role in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and achieving our climate goals.
  • Nuclear Waste Storage: One of the most significant challenges associated with nuclear power is the long-term storage of nuclear waste. The radioactive waste generated by nuclear reactors remains hazardous for thousands of years, and there is still no universally accepted solution for its safe and permanent disposal. While deep geological repositories are being explored, they face technical, political, and social challenges. I support continued research and development of safe, long-term storage solutions, as well as stringent safety regulations to minimize the risks associated with nuclear waste.
  • Environmental Justice: It is essential that the benefits and burdens of nuclear power are distributed fairly. I firmly oppose the placement of nuclear waste facilities in historically vulnerable and marginalized communities. These communities have often borne the brunt of environmental hazards, and it is our duty to ensure that they are not further burdened by the risks associated with nuclear waste. I advocate for a transparent, equitable decision-making process in selecting future waste storage sites, one that involves thorough community consultation and prioritizes environmental justice.
  • Safety and Risk Management: The safety of nuclear power plants is paramount. While modern reactor designs are far safer than earlier models, the potential for catastrophic accidents—such as those at Chernobyl and Fukushima—cannot be ignored. I support the implementation of the highest safety standards and the continuous improvement of reactor technology to minimize the risk of accidents. This includes investing in advanced reactor designs that are inherently safer and more efficient.
  • Economic Considerations: While nuclear power offers significant benefits, it also comes with high upfront costs and long construction timelines. To ensure energy security and affordability, I support a diversified energy strategy that includes nuclear power alongside other renewables such as wind, solar, and hydropower. This approach will help to balance the economic and environmental costs while ensuring a steady transition to a low-carbon energy system.

In summary, I believe that nuclear power has a crucial role to play in our clean energy future, but it must be approached with caution and responsibility. By addressing the challenges of nuclear waste storage, ensuring rigorous safety standards, and prioritizing environmental justice, we can harness the benefits of nuclear energy while safeguarding our communities and the environment. As we move forward, I am committed to advocating for policies that support the responsible development of nuclear power as part of a broader, sustainable energy strategy.

Addressing Utility Costs Through Clean Energy and Modernization

The rising cost of utilities is a pressing issue for many American households. To alleviate this burden and ensure a sustainable future, I am committed to advancing policies that promote clean energy generation, make it easier and more affordable for property owners to adopt renewable energy solutions, and modernize our nation’s power grid.

Universal Net Metering

Universal net metering is a key component of my policy to reduce utility costs. Net metering allows property owners who generate their own electricity, typically through solar panels, to sell excess energy back to the grid. This not only lowers their utility bills but also contributes to the overall energy supply. I support universal net metering policies that ensure fair compensation for individuals and businesses who invest in renewable energy. By making net metering universally available, we can encourage more people to adopt clean energy solutions, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and lower overall utility costs.

Here’s my full position specifically on universal net metering.

Emphasis on Clean Energy Generation

Transitioning to clean energy is essential for both environmental sustainability and economic efficiency. I advocate for policies that make clean energy generation as easy, accessible, and incentivized as possible for the average property owner. This includes:

  • Tax Incentives and Rebates: Expanding federal tax credits and rebates for installing renewable energy systems such as solar panels and wind turbines. These financial incentives can significantly lower the upfront costs of clean energy systems, making them more accessible to homeowners and businesses.
  • Simplified Permitting Processes: Streamlining local, state, and federal permitting processes to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and accelerate the deployment of renewable energy projects.
  • Educational Programs: Funding educational programs to raise awareness about the benefits of clean energy and provide resources for property owners interested in renewable energy systems.

Solar-Powered Resiliency Hubs

In Louisiana, we face unique challenges during hurricane season. To enhance community resilience, I propose creating solar-powered resiliency hubs. These hubs can provide reliable power during outages caused by hurricanes and other natural disasters. Equipped with solar panels and energy storage systems, these hubs would:

  • Support Emergency Services: Ensure that critical services such as medical facilities, emergency response centers, and community shelters have access to uninterrupted power during crises.
  • Serve as Community Centers: Provide a safe space for residents to charge devices, store perishable goods, and access essential information during prolonged outages.
  • Enhance Community Resilience: Strengthen our ability to respond to and recover from natural disasters, making our communities more resilient and self-sufficient.

Modernizing the Power Grid

A modernized power grid is critical for integrating renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency. I support initiatives to:

  • Upgrade Grid Infrastructure: Invest in modernizing the current grid infrastructure to handle increased loads from renewable energy sources and improve resilience against outages and cyber-attacks.
  • Smart Grid Technology: Implement smart grid technologies that enhance grid management, allow for real-time monitoring and control, and enable more efficient energy distribution.
  • Energy Storage Solutions: Promote the development and deployment of advanced energy storage solutions to store excess renewable energy and ensure a reliable power supply even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing.

National Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)

To drive the transition to clean energy on a national scale, I support the implementation of a national Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). An RPS mandates that a certain percentage of electricity sold by utilities comes from renewable sources. This policy would:

  • Set Ambitious Targets: Establish clear, achievable targets for renewable energy generation that increase over time, pushing utilities to adopt more clean energy sources.
  • Encourage Innovation: Spur innovation in the renewable energy sector by creating a stable market demand for clean energy technologies.
  • Reduce Emissions: Significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to national and global efforts to combat climate change.
  • Increase the value of energy generation: When utility companies have to meet clean energy goals, they will pay an arm and a leg to those who are making that job a little easier. This has the potential to put a real premium on energy generation, making your utility bill a lot lower. Or better yet, making the check they have to write you a lot bigger.

By addressing utility costs through universal net metering, promoting clean energy generation, modernizing the power grid, and implementing a national RPS, we can create a more sustainable, affordable, and resilient energy system. These policies not only lower utility bills for American families but also pave the way for a cleaner and more prosperous future. I am committed to championing these initiatives and ensuring that every property owner has the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from our nation’s clean energy transition.