Ban Subscription Traps

I am committed to protecting consumers, especially in the digital marketplace where subscription models have become ubiquitous. We need to ensure that companies offer a transparent, user-friendly process for subscription cancellation, respecting consumer autonomy and choice. Consumer rights don’t end after clicking the “subscribe” button. It’s unjust for companies to profit from deliberately convoluted cancellation processes, trapping consumers in unwanted subscriptions. I want to ensure that digital and contractual services are fair, transparent, and consumer-friendly. If you signed up online or through an app, you should be able to unsubscribe the same way. Simple as that.

Defending Consumer Privacy

In an era where consumer privacy is increasingly encroached upon, I am committed to reinforcing the rights of individuals to be free from unsolicited telemarketing calls and to not only protect consumer privacy but also hold violators accountable for their intrusive practices.

I recognize that the federal Do Not Call list represents an essential tool for safeguarding personal privacy. However, without robust enforcement mechanisms, its efficacy is diminished. I support introducing significant fines and the potential for criminal liability for repeat offenders, to deter these invasive practices and ensure that violators are met with appropriate consequences.

Every individual has the right to decide who has access to them and when. Strengthening the Do Not Call list’s enforcement is a critical step in upholding these principles and ensuring that consumers can trust in the system designed to protect them.