Student Loans

I firmly believe in the power of education to transform lives and communities, and that’s why I support the idea of complete forgiveness of federal student loans. However, I recognize that this proposal faces significant opposition, particularly from conservative quarters. Therefore, as a pragmatic step toward alleviating the burden on millions of Americans, I propose a federal tax write-off for student loan payments. This would allow borrowers to deduct their loan payments from their taxable income, effectively using one year’s worth of payments to significantly offset the next year’s tax burden. This approach not only provides immediate relief but also maintains a framework that encourages higher education while recognizing fiscal realities.

Federal student loans, as they stand, have inadvertently contributed to the escalating costs of higher education, trapping an entire generation with unsustainable debt. This is not only a financial issue but a profound moral one. Education boosts economic mobility and enriches our society, yet the exorbitant cost of obtaining a degree burdens individuals and limits their economic potential.

Moreover, I am committed to the vision of making public college education part of the free public education system in America. The reality today is that a high school diploma no longer suffices as a stepping stone to the American Dream. In our competitive, global economy, higher education is not just beneficial—it is necessary. Ensuring access to free public college is not merely an educational reform; it is an economic imperative that can secure our nation’s future and provide all Americans with a genuine opportunity to thrive.

In advocating for these changes, I am not merely proposing a policy adjustment; I am calling for a fundamental rethinking of how we invest in our future generations. We must dismantle the barriers to education that stifle innovation and equality and reaffirm our commitment to the principle that education is a public good that benefits all.

Charter Schools

I stand firmly in support of our community-based public schools, which I believe are fundamental to the American promise of equality and opportunity. While I recognize the original intent behind charter schools as laboratories for educational innovation, I am deeply concerned about the direction that many modern charter schools have taken.

Originally, charter schools were envisioned as partners to the public school system, experimenting with new teaching methods and curricula to enhance educational outcomes for all. Unfortunately, this vision has been overshadowed by practices that effectively transform these institutions into quasi-private schools that operate with public funds but without the corresponding public accountability. This shift not only diverts essential resources from our public schools but also undermines their ability to serve every child, contributing to a broader economic and civil rights crisis in our education system.

Charter schools, in their modern incarnation, often feature selective enrollment processes and operate under policies and management practices that lack transparency. This arrangement not only threatens the foundational principles of public education but also the very fabric of our communities. The unchecked expansion of such charter schools risks creating a two-tiered education system, where the benefits of innovation accrue to a select few while the majority are left in under-resourced public schools.

Therefore, while I am not opposed to the concept of charter schools as a supplementary part of our educational ecosystem, I advocate for stringent measures to ensure these schools are truly serving the public interest. This includes:

  • Enhanced Oversight: Implementing strict accountability measures that align charter schools more closely with the standards and transparency expected of public schools.
  • Equitable Funding: Ensuring that funding for charter schools does not detract from public schools, but rather is part of a holistic approach to lifting all educational institutions.
  • Community Integration: Requiring charter schools to demonstrate how they serve the broader educational and social needs of their communities, rather than operating as isolated entities. (Truthfully, I’d even be in favor of charter schools having a distinct and enforceable end date that must be submitted with their initial charter application, to ensure that the entire purpose of the school is to serve the broader system, not self-preservation.)

My commitment is to fully fund and support our public schools as the greatest equalizers in our society. Every American child deserves a quality education, and this must be our priority. I pledge to work tirelessly to reinforce the public school system, making it robust enough to ensure every child can achieve their American Dream. My commitment is to an education system that truly reflects our democratic values and advances our collective prosperity.

Holistic Education

I believe in an educational curriculum that prepares students for a global economy, emphasizing not only core academic subjects but also critical thinking, creativity, civic responsibility, and digital literacy. I support the integration of vocational training and life skills, ensuring students are well-equipped for various post-graduation paths.

Increased Teacher Pay & Support

I am a testament to the reality that educators are pivotal to student success. That’s why I propose increased investment in teacher salaries, benefits, and ongoing professional development opportunities. We should want to attract and retain high-quality educators in the public school system.

Support for Traditional Public Schools

Public schools are the great equalizer in our society and, in theory, the only true meritocracy we have left. In a perfect world, if you work hard and play by the rules, a public education can take you from poverty to wealth, merely on the basis of work ethic. That’s the American Dream. But it is dependent on a public education system that truly sets up the next generation for success. I firmly believe in the transformative power of education, which is why I advocate for an unprecedented level of federal investment in public school modernization. Our goal must be to ensure that every school is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge resources, and highly skilled educators. By prioritizing substantial investments in these critical areas, we can lift the standard of public education across the country, ensuring that all students, regardless of their background or where they live, have access to the high-quality education they rightfully deserve. This commitment to enhancing public schools reflects our broader commitment to fostering a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to our collective progress.

Opposition to Privatization of Public Schools

I am unequivocally against the privatization of public schools and the unchecked expansion of charter schools. I believe in improving our existing public schools rather than diverting funds to private entities that lack accountability and often do not serve the best interests of all students, particularly the most disadvantaged.

Ensuring Equitable Education Funding

I believe in equitable funding models that ensure all public schools, especially those in underserved communities, receive the support and resources they need. This involves revising funding formulas to address disparities and ensure that every school has access to adequate resources, technology, and skilled educators.

Where a child lives shouldn’t determine the quality of education they get. I support federal action that addresses fixing how schools are funded, especially helping those in areas that really need it. We’re talking about shaking up the current system to make sure money is going where it’s needed most, so all schools have great resources, the latest technology, and awesome teachers, while ensuring the funds really make a difference where they’re supposed to.