Special Education

I understand the critical importance of having quality, qualified teachers for children with special needs in our public schools. The national shortage of special needs teachers is unacceptable and is robbing young people and their families of the opportunity to have a shot at the American Dream. Here’s my comprehensive plan to address this issue at the federal level:

Increased Funding for Special Education Programs

  • Fully Fund IDEA: We must fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to provide schools with the financial resources necessary to hire and retain qualified special needs teachers.
  • Grants for Recruitment and Retention: Establish federal grants specifically aimed at recruiting and retaining special needs teachers, offering competitive salaries, signing bonuses, and retention incentives.

Incentivizing Special Education Teaching Careers

  • Loan Forgiveness Programs: Expand loan forgiveness programs for special needs teachers, offering full loan forgiveness for those who commit to teaching in underserved areas or high-need schools for a certain number of years.
  • Scholarships and Stipends: Provide federal scholarships and stipends for students pursuing degrees in special education to make it more feasible for individuals to specialize in special needs teaching.

Professional Development and Support

  • Ongoing Training: Fund professional development programs to ensure special needs teachers receive ongoing training on the latest teaching strategies, technologies, and best practices for working with students with disabilities.
  • Mentorship Programs: Establish federal funding for mentorship programs that pair new special needs teachers with experienced mentors, helping to navigate the challenges of the profession and reduce turnover.

National Awareness and Recruitment Campaign

  • Public Awareness: Launch a national campaign to raise awareness about the importance of special education and the rewarding career opportunities it offers, inspiring more people to enter the field.
  • University Partnerships: Partner with universities and colleges to promote special education programs and provide pathways for students to enter the ESS teaching profession through internships, practicums, and job placement services.

Streamlined Certification Processes

  • Alternative Certification Programs: Support and expand alternative certification programs that allow individuals with relevant experience and skills to become ESS teachers quickly while maintaining high standards of teaching quality.
  • Reciprocity Agreements: Promote interstate reciprocity agreements to make it easier for ESS teachers to move between states without needing to re-certify, addressing regional shortages by allowing qualified teachers to work where they are most needed.

By implementing these federal measures, we can effectively address the shortage of ESS teachers and ensure that all students, including those with special needs, have access to the specialized support they require.