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Empowering Consumers & Small Businesses

position explained

My commitment to strengthening our economy is rooted in two fundamental principles: robust consumer protections and the empowerment of small businesses. I envision a policy framework that dismantles excessive bureaucratic obstacles facing entrepreneurs, facilitating a smoother journey from innovative idea to successful enterprise. This approach is designed to ignite local innovation and bolster community-based businesses, ensuring a fertile ground for growth and competition in a fair market environment. Simultaneously, I advocate for stringent safeguards against predatory practices that exploit consumers, particularly in times of vulnerability.

My stance is clear: no individual should be subjected to unjust price hiking due to desperation or lack of alternatives.

Through targeted legislative action and regulatory reforms, I aim to cultivate an economic landscape where small businesses thrive on equal footing with larger corporations, and where consumer rights are unassailable, ensuring an equitable economy that serves the many, not just the privileged few at the top.


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