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Prior Weed Convictions

position explained

In my support for the federal legalization of marijuana, a crucial component of my position is the commitment to address and rectify the injustices inflicted upon individuals incarcerated for marijuana-related offenses that would be deemed legal under this new legislation. The impact of these convictions extends far beyond time served, affecting individuals’ opportunities for employment, education, and housing long after their release.

Therefore, alongside the push for legalization, I advocate for the immediate release of all individuals currently incarcerated for marijuana offenses that would not be crimes under the proposed legal framework. Additionally, it is imperative to implement a comprehensive expungement program for those previously convicted and punished for these now-legal acts. This effort is not only about correcting a legal inconsistency; it’s about restoring dignity, opportunity, and justice to countless lives adversely affected by outdated and unjust policies.


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