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Qualified Immunity

position explained

The doctrine of qualified immunity has too often shielded law enforcement officers from the consequences of actions that violate citizens’ constitutional rights. This legal protection undermines public trust and accountability, and it is time for it to end. We must ensure that those who are sworn to protect us are also accountable to us.

I also support the establishment of community review boards in all jurisdictions. These boards should have the authority to review incidents involving law enforcement officers, particularly those that result in the use of force. Community review boards are crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability, allowing community members a direct role in overseeing the actions of law enforcement agencies and fostering a more cooperative relationship between the police and the communities they serve.

Furthermore, we need a comprehensive overhaul of how consequences are handled for law enforcement officials at the federal, state, and local levels. It is essential that all officers are held to the highest standards of conduct. This means creating clearer, more stringent guidelines for use of force, requiring more thorough training on these policies, and enforcing strict penalties for violations. We must also prioritize de-escalation techniques and mental health interventions, reducing the reliance on force as a primary response.

My commitment is to work tirelessly in Congress to push for these changes, advocating for legislation that ensures law enforcement operates with integrity, respect for human rights, and accountability.


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