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Quentin Anderson Endorsed by Center for Freethought Equality

This week, the Center for Freethought Equality’s Political Action Committee announced its endorsement of Quentin Anthony Anderson, Democratic candidate for Congress in Louisiana’s 6th congressional district. This endorsement highlights Anderson’s commitment to religious freedom, protecting civil liberties, and advancing progressive policies.

The Center for Freethought Equality is the advocacy and political arm of the American Humanist Association. It advocates for issues important to the humanist and atheist community, such as the separation of church and state, protecting civil liberties, and promoting progressive values. Through its affiliated political action committee, the Center for Freethought Equality works to increase the number of openly humanist and atheist individuals in public office at all levels of government.

“I am deeply honored to receive the endorsement of the Center for Freethought Equality,” said Anderson. “Even as a person of faith, I obviously believe in the fundamental principles of religious freedom and the separation of church and state. It is essential that we protect the civil liberties of all Americans and advance progressive policies that ensure equality and justice for everyone. This endorsement underscores our shared commitment to these values.”

“The Center for Freethought Equality PAC is very pleased to endorse Quentin Anderson’s campaign to unseat Republican Congressman Garret Graves,” said Ron Millar, Political & PAC Manager for the Center for Freethought Equality. “The humanist and atheist community, working in tandem with our religious allies like Mr. Anderson, will stop the un-American and dangerous anti-democratic, bigoted, anti-science, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and homophobic crusade of white Christian nationalism.”

You can learn more about the Center for Freethought Equality at their website here: