Anderson Statement on Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump in Pennsylvania

Official statement from Quentin Anthony Anderson:

Violence has absolutely no place in our politics. It is a fundamental tenet of our democracy that we resolve our differences through dialogue and at the ballot box. I unequivocally and forcefully condemn the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania.

This heinous act is an affront to the principles upon which our nation was built. It undermines the very foundation of our political system and threatens the safety and security of our society. Such actions are not only illegal and immoral but also deeply un-American. They have no place in the United States, a country that prides itself on the peaceful transfer of power and the rule of law.

I commend the valor and bravery of the Secret Service and other law enforcement agencies who acted swiftly and decisively to prevent what could have been a tragic event. Their dedication and professionalism in protecting public officials and maintaining the security of our nation are truly commendable.

This goes beyond liberal versus conservative; it strikes at the heart of who we are as Americans. This kind of violence is more commonly seen in countries struggling with political instability and tyranny. We must not allow such a dangerous precedent to take root in our own political discourse.

My prayers are with our country during this troubling time. Let us remember that our strength lies in our unity and our commitment to resolving our differences peacefully and democratically. Together, we can uphold the values that make our nation great and ensure that such acts of violence are condemned and prevented.

Anderson Official Statement on Trump SCOTUS Decision

Today, our democracy faces a grave threat from the recent Supreme Court ruling that dangerously expands presidential immunity. This decision grants former presidents an unprecedented shield from criminal prosecution for actions taken during their tenure, effectively placing them above the law. This is not just a legal precedent; it is a perilous shift that undermines the very foundation of our constitutional democracy. When the highest office in the land is immune from accountability, we risk sliding into autocracy.

The implications of this ruling are stark and alarming. It sets a dangerous precedent that could embolden future presidents to act with impunity, knowing they are protected from the consequences of their actions. This is not the vision our Founding Fathers had for this nation. They envisaged a republic where no one, not even the President, is above the law.

As we stand on the brink of potentially facing a second Trump term, the urgency to elect bold, courageous leaders has never been greater. The Trump/MAGA agenda thrives on weakening the rule of law and eroding democratic norms. We cannot afford to have corruptible politicians who will be easy pickings in such a political environment.

This ruling underscores the need for leaders who will fight tirelessly to uphold justice, integrity, and the rule of law. Leaders who will resist the corrosive influence of authoritarianism and stand firm against any attempt to undermine our democratic institutions.

Electing bold, courageous leaders is not just about policy; it is about preserving the soul of our nation. It is about ensuring that our government remains of the people, by the people, and for the people. We must reject those who seek power for personal gain and instead choose those who are committed to serving with honor, transparency, and accountability.

Our democracy depends on it. Our future depends on it. That’s why this November, we must elect leaders who will protect the rule of law and safeguard the principles of our great nation.

You can read the full decision and our breakdown of the case here.

For Immediate Release - Anderson Trump SCOTUS Statement

Trump v. United States: What the SCOTUS ruling means

The Supreme Court’s decision in “Trump v. United States” revolves around the question of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for actions taken while in office. Here’s a detailed analysis of the decision:

  1. Nature of the Case:
    • Former President Donald J. Trump was indicted on four counts related to actions taken during his presidency following the November 2020 election.
    • The indictment alleged that Trump conspired to overturn the election results by spreading false claims of election fraud and obstructing the certification of the election.

Key Points of the Decision

  1. Presidential Immunity:
    • The Supreme Court examined the extent to which a former President is immune from criminal prosecution for actions taken within the scope of official responsibilities.
    • The Court held that a former President is entitled to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his “conclusive and preclusive” constitutional authority. This includes core presidential powers that cannot be overridden by Congress or subjected to judicial scrutiny.
    • In other words: The Court decided that a former President cannot be prosecuted for actions that are part of their essential presidential duties. 
  2. Separation of Powers:
    • The decision emphasized the constitutional principle of separation of powers, asserting that criminally prosecuting a President for official acts poses a significant threat to the functioning of the Executive Branch.
    • The Court recognized that while there is a compelling public interest in law enforcement, this must be balanced against the need to preserve the President’s ability to perform his duties without undue caution.
    • In other words: The Court stressed that prosecuting a President for official actions could disrupt how the Executive Branch works. 
  3. Specific Allegations in the Indictment:
    • The indictment included various allegations against Trump, such as using the Justice Department to investigate election fraud and pressuring the Vice President to alter the certification of election results.
    • The Court remanded the case to the District Court to determine whether these specific actions were official or unofficial, and to decide if Trump’s conduct in each instance fell within the scope of presidential immunity.
    • In other words: The Court sent the case back to a lower court to decide if Trump’s actions were part of his official duties and therefore protected by immunity. 
  4. Broader Implications:The Supreme Court’s ruling in “Trump v. United States” potentially sets several important precedents regarding presidential immunity and the separation of powers. Here are the key precedents established by this decision:
    • Absolute Immunity for Core Constitutional Powers:
      • The ruling establishes that a former President is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for actions taken within the “conclusive and preclusive” scope of his core constitutional powers. This includes actions that fall exclusively within the President’s constitutional authority and cannot be overridden by Congress or scrutinized by the courts.
      • In other words: The decision means a former President cannot be prosecuted for actions that are a key part of their constitutional powers. 
    • Presumptive Immunity for Official Acts:
      • The Court held that a former President is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from criminal prosecution for all official acts performed within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities. This immunity is designed to protect the President’s ability to perform his duties without undue caution or fear of future prosecution.
      • In other words: The Court decided that a former President is generally protected from prosecution for actions related to their official duties to ensure they can do their job without constant fear of legal consequences.


The Supreme Court’s decision in “Trump v. United States” establishes a framework for assessing presidential immunity in the context of criminal prosecutions. It balances the need to hold a President accountable with the necessity of protecting the Executive Branch’s independence and functionality. The case was remanded to the District Court for a detailed analysis of the specific allegations against Trump, focusing on whether his actions were within the scope of his official duties.

See the full decision below:


Anderson Statement on Donald Trump Conviction

Today, we witnessed a pivotal moment in American history as former President Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in the New York state hush money trial. This verdict reinforces the principle that no one, not even a former president, is above the law. It is a testament to the strength of our judicial system – when applied fairly & objectively – and the importance of accountability in our democracy.

As someone deeply committed to justice and integrity, I believe this ruling underscores the necessity for transparency and ethical behavior in public office. It is a reminder that the actions of our leaders must reflect the values we hold dear as a nation.

I understand that this verdict may be difficult for many to process, particularly for conservatives and Trump supporters. We must remember that our democracy is built on the principles of peaceful discourse and respect for legal outcomes. Let us uphold these principles and continue to engage in constructive dialogue about the future of our country.

Louisiana deserves public officials who uphold the highest standards of integrity. We cannot afford to elect leaders who prioritize their own interests over those of the people they serve. This verdict is a clarion call for all of us to demand better from our elected officials and to strive for a government that is truly by the people and for the people. We can’t afford to send corruptible politicians back to Washington in the age of Trump.

As a candidate for Congress, I am committed to restoring trust in our political system. I will work tirelessly to ensure that our government operates with transparency and accountability, always putting the needs of our community first.

Quentin Anthony Anderson
Candidate for Congress, Louisiana’s 6th District

For Immediate Release - Anderson Statement on Trump Conviction