Anderson Endorsed by the Committee to Protect Health Care

Quentin Anthony Anderson has been officially endorsed by the Committee to Protect Health Care as a Care for U.S. Candidate. This endorsement underscores Anderson’s commitment to addressing critical healthcare issues, including lowering healthcare costs, protecting the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and restoring access to reproductive health care.

The Committee to Protect Health Care, a national mobilization of over 20,000 medical providers and healthcare advocates, selected Anderson for his strong stance on healthcare reform and his dedication to ensuring that all Americans have access to quality, affordable healthcare.

Healthcare as a Pocketbook Issue

Anderson has made healthcare a central focus of his campaign, framing it as a crucial pocketbook issue for Louisiana families. “Health care costs continue to rise, and for most families, this is simply unsustainable,” Anderson stated. His platform includes advocating for the expansion of the Inflation Reduction Act’s provisions, which allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices and cap out-of-pocket costs for seniors.

Additionally, Anderson has voiced his support for the ACA, emphasizing the importance of protecting its provisions, such as preventing insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing conditions and ensuring that millions of Americans can access affordable healthcare through Medicaid and Marketplace plans.

Commitment to Reproductive Health and Freedom

In light of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, Anderson has committed to fighting for reproductive health and freedom. With a growing majority of Americans supporting the legality of abortion in all or most cases, Anderson has pledged to oppose any attempts to implement a national abortion ban and to restore and protect access to reproductive healthcare across the country.

“Reproductive health care is a fundamental right, and Louisiana women deserve a champion in Congress who won’t be uncomfortable or equivocal about defending that right,” Anderson said.

A Call for Bipartisan Solutions

Anderson’s endorsement by the Committee to Protect Health Care highlights his dedication to promoting bipartisan solutions in healthcare. He has voiced support for site-neutral payments, a policy that would ensure patients are charged the same amount for medical services, regardless of where they are provided. This policy aims to reduce healthcare costs by preventing large hospital systems from inflating prices when they acquire smaller physician practices.

Moving Forward

The Committee to Protect Health Care’s endorsement of Quentin Anderson as a Care for U.S. Candidate is a significant boost to his campaign, signaling strong support from the medical community. With healthcare at the forefront of his platform, Anderson continues to advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being of Louisiana families and all Americans.

Breaking Down the DSCC Endorsement Vote

This past weekend, the Louisiana Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) voted to endorse state Sen. Cleo Fields in the race for Louisiana’s newly drawn 6th Congressional District. While we respect their decision, it’s clear that this choice reflects the establishment’s preference for the status quo over the much-needed change our district deserves.

From the outset, we knew our campaign was the challenger, not the favorite of the establishment. Despite this, we garnered an impressive 45 votes against a well-known and powerful figure like Fields. This significant support highlights the desire for change among our supporters and within our community.

What This Means for Our Campaign

This decision does not alter our course – we are still full speed ahead, committed to campaigning as aggressively as ever and focused on winning this race. The endorsement of the establishment candidate only strengthens our resolve to push forward and bring about the change our district needs. Our campaign has been making progress every day, and the support we’ve received so far is a testament to the growing momentum behind us.

The DSCC’s decision to back a candidate with over 30 years of political baggage underscores a preference for maintaining the status quo. In contrast, our campaign is exciting the base, energizing young voters, and even appealing to independents and some disillusioned Republicans.

Why Change is Needed

Choosing the status quo means choosing the same old politics that have failed to address the needs of our community. We are running a campaign driven by the people, for the people. Our vision for Louisiana includes:

  • Economic Justice: Ensuring fair wages, job opportunities, and economic stability for all.
  • Healthcare Access: Fighting for affordable and accessible healthcare for every resident, particularly our seniors.
  • Social Equity: Promoting policies that protect and uplift vulnerable, marginalized communities.

Moving Forward: How You Can Help

Change is hard and requires maximum effort from both our campaign and our supporters. Here’s how you can get involved and help us push forward:

  1. Volunteer: Join our team and help us reach more voters. Whether it’s canvassing, phone banking, or spreading the word on social media, your efforts make a difference. Volunteer Here
  2. Donate: Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us fund our campaign activities and reach more people. Your financial support is crucial in our fight against the establishment candidate. Donate Now
  3. Spread the Word: Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about our campaign. Share our posts on social media and help amplify our message.

A Message to Our Supporters

We are incredibly proud of the campaign we’ve built together. We are making change a little more possible every day. This endorsement by the DSCC only reinforces how important our fight is. Real change is within reach, but it will require all of us working together to overcome the status quo.

Quentin Anderson Awarded 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate Distinction

Baton Rouge, La. – Quentin Anthony Anderson, candidate for Congress in Louisiana’s newly drawn 6th District, is proud to announce that his campaign has been awarded the 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction. This honor reflects Anderson’s unwavering commitment to advocating for gun violence prevention and ensuring that gun safety is a priority in his legislative agenda.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a grassroots movement fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence, awards the Gun Sense Candidate distinction to candidates who have demonstrated their commitment to common-sense gun safety. This distinction serves as a signal to supporters, volunteers, and voters across the country that a candidate will govern with gun safety in mind.

“We are thrilled to receive the 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction,” said Anderson. “This recognition underscores our campaign’s dedication to advocating for common-sense gun laws that protect our families and communities. Together, we can work towards a safer future for all Louisianans.”

Note: It is important to note that the Gun Sense Candidate distinction is not an endorsement from Moms Demand Action or Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund. Instead, it signifies our advocacy for gun violence prevention and our commitment to governing with gun safety in mind.

NOW PAC Endorses Quentin Anthony Anderson for Congress

The National Organization for Women Political Action Committee (NOW PAC) has officially endorsed Quentin Anthony Anderson in his bid for Congress in Louisiana’s newly drawn 6th District. This significant endorsement highlights Anderson’s unwavering commitment to gender equality, reproductive rights, and social justice.

“I am thrilled to receive the endorsement of NOW PAC,” said Anderson. “This endorsement underscores our shared commitment to advancing women’s rights, economic justice, and equality. Together, we will fight to ensure that every person, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive.”

NOW PAC Chairwoman Christian Nunes (left) & Democratic congressional candidate Quentin Anthony Anderson (right) in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 3, 2024

“Quentin’s advocacy for equality, economic justice, and choice is exactly what Louisiana needs at this time,” said NOW PAC Chairwoman Christian F. Nunes. “We cannot continue going backwards and Quentin Anderson is committed to fighting for a safe future for women.”

NOW PAC’s endorsement is a testament to Anderson’s dedication to the following key issues:

  • Reproductive Rights and Justice: Anderson has been a vocal advocate for protecting access to safe and legal abortion, contraception, and comprehensive healthcare. His stance aligns with NOW’s mission to safeguard reproductive freedoms and ensure equity in healthcare.
  • Economic Justice: Anderson supports the Paycheck Fairness Act and raising the federal minimum wage to a living wage. He advocates for policies that provide paid family leave and affordable childcare, which are crucial for achieving economic stability for women and families.
  • Ending Violence Against Women: Anderson is committed to strengthening the Violence Against Women Act and ensuring that survivors have access to comprehensive support services, including safe housing, legal assistance, and mental health care.
  • Racial Justice: Anderson’s campaign is dedicated to dismantling systemic racism and promoting policies that address racial disparities in education, healthcare, and economic opportunity. He emphasizes the importance of criminal justice reform and equitable access to resources for communities of color.
  • LGBTQIA+ Rights: Anderson advocates for the Equality Act and inclusive policies that protect LGBTQIA+ individuals from discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations. He supports efforts to address health disparities and promote affirming healthcare services for the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • Constitutional Equality: Anderson strongly supports the Equal Rights Amendment, which aims to enshrine gender equality in the Constitution, ensuring that all individuals have equal protection under the law.
  • Centering Women in Political and Policy Conversations: Anderson is committed to elevating women’s voices in political and policy discussions, ensuring that their perspectives and experiences inform decision-making processes.
  • Intersectional Feminism: Anderson conducts his political work through an intersectional feminist lens, recognizing that the experiences of women are diverse and interconnected with other identities such as race, sexuality, and economic status.

This endorsement from NOW PAC reflects the growing momentum and support for Anderson’s campaign. As he continues to advocate for bold change and fresh leadership, Anderson remains focused on delivering results for the people of Louisiana.

For Immediate Release - NOW PAC Endorses Anderson