NOW PAC Endorses Quentin Anthony Anderson for Congress

The National Organization for Women Political Action Committee (NOW PAC) has officially endorsed Quentin Anthony Anderson in his bid for Congress in Louisiana’s newly drawn 6th District. This significant endorsement highlights Anderson’s unwavering commitment to gender equality, reproductive rights, and social justice.

“I am thrilled to receive the endorsement of NOW PAC,” said Anderson. “This endorsement underscores our shared commitment to advancing women’s rights, economic justice, and equality. Together, we will fight to ensure that every person, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive.”

NOW PAC Chairwoman Christian Nunes (left) & Democratic congressional candidate Quentin Anthony Anderson (right) in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 3, 2024

“Quentin’s advocacy for equality, economic justice, and choice is exactly what Louisiana needs at this time,” said NOW PAC Chairwoman Christian F. Nunes. “We cannot continue going backwards and Quentin Anderson is committed to fighting for a safe future for women.”

NOW PAC’s endorsement is a testament to Anderson’s dedication to the following key issues:

  • Reproductive Rights and Justice: Anderson has been a vocal advocate for protecting access to safe and legal abortion, contraception, and comprehensive healthcare. His stance aligns with NOW’s mission to safeguard reproductive freedoms and ensure equity in healthcare.
  • Economic Justice: Anderson supports the Paycheck Fairness Act and raising the federal minimum wage to a living wage. He advocates for policies that provide paid family leave and affordable childcare, which are crucial for achieving economic stability for women and families.
  • Ending Violence Against Women: Anderson is committed to strengthening the Violence Against Women Act and ensuring that survivors have access to comprehensive support services, including safe housing, legal assistance, and mental health care.
  • Racial Justice: Anderson’s campaign is dedicated to dismantling systemic racism and promoting policies that address racial disparities in education, healthcare, and economic opportunity. He emphasizes the importance of criminal justice reform and equitable access to resources for communities of color.
  • LGBTQIA+ Rights: Anderson advocates for the Equality Act and inclusive policies that protect LGBTQIA+ individuals from discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations. He supports efforts to address health disparities and promote affirming healthcare services for the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • Constitutional Equality: Anderson strongly supports the Equal Rights Amendment, which aims to enshrine gender equality in the Constitution, ensuring that all individuals have equal protection under the law.
  • Centering Women in Political and Policy Conversations: Anderson is committed to elevating women’s voices in political and policy discussions, ensuring that their perspectives and experiences inform decision-making processes.
  • Intersectional Feminism: Anderson conducts his political work through an intersectional feminist lens, recognizing that the experiences of women are diverse and interconnected with other identities such as race, sexuality, and economic status.

This endorsement from NOW PAC reflects the growing momentum and support for Anderson’s campaign. As he continues to advocate for bold change and fresh leadership, Anderson remains focused on delivering results for the people of Louisiana.

For Immediate Release - NOW PAC Endorses Anderson

Anderson Statement on Donald Trump Conviction

Today, we witnessed a pivotal moment in American history as former President Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in the New York state hush money trial. This verdict reinforces the principle that no one, not even a former president, is above the law. It is a testament to the strength of our judicial system – when applied fairly & objectively – and the importance of accountability in our democracy.

As someone deeply committed to justice and integrity, I believe this ruling underscores the necessity for transparency and ethical behavior in public office. It is a reminder that the actions of our leaders must reflect the values we hold dear as a nation.

I understand that this verdict may be difficult for many to process, particularly for conservatives and Trump supporters. We must remember that our democracy is built on the principles of peaceful discourse and respect for legal outcomes. Let us uphold these principles and continue to engage in constructive dialogue about the future of our country.

Louisiana deserves public officials who uphold the highest standards of integrity. We cannot afford to elect leaders who prioritize their own interests over those of the people they serve. This verdict is a clarion call for all of us to demand better from our elected officials and to strive for a government that is truly by the people and for the people. We can’t afford to send corruptible politicians back to Washington in the age of Trump.

As a candidate for Congress, I am committed to restoring trust in our political system. I will work tirelessly to ensure that our government operates with transparency and accountability, always putting the needs of our community first.

Quentin Anthony Anderson
Candidate for Congress, Louisiana’s 6th District

For Immediate Release - Anderson Statement on Trump Conviction

Anderson deflects from fundraising report with “shameless” puppy campaign ad

BATON ROUGE, La. – In an unprecedented display of fundraising modesty, Quentin Anthony Anderson revealed that when his campaign files its first quarter fundraising report, it will be a fundraising total that will turn heads — primarily due to its astonishingly minimalistic approach. Garnering “between $3,000 – $5,000” from less than 10 equally astonished donors, according to Anderson, the campaign has boldly redefined what it means to start from the ground up.

“Only the press, the political elite, and anyone who we need to pay to get our message out there cares about fundraising numbers” said Anderson wryly “So, instead of lamenting about it, we’re gonna release an ad with a puppy in it.”

Embracing a strategy that can only be described as blatant deflection, his campaign refused to acknowledge the ominous nature of his quarterly fundraising haul and instead released a new campaign ad featuring Anderson’s nearly 3-year old Beagle mix, Geronimo Lewis.

Geronimo Lewis, a rescue by way of Houma in the wake of Hurricane Ida and unaffiliated with any recognized political party, features prominently in the 60 second video, offering both undeniable cuteness and zero substance when it comes to issues like mass incarceration or securing more federal grants for the district.

While critics may justifiably want to focus on Anderson’s paltry fundraising numbers, the Anderson campaign argues that puppies remain universally loved and adored, therefore negating much of the negative impact of his campaign’s otherwise amateurish fundraising totals.

The ad, produced by the Shreveport-based Young Professionals Entertainment, can be viewed here.

For Immediate Release - Anderson Deflects WIth Puppy Ad

Quentin Anthony Anderson to announce congressional bid on Sunday, March 17 in Baton Rouge, La.

BATON ROUGE, La. – Quentin Anthony Anderson will formally announce his candidacy for the United States Congress in Louisiana’s 6th District on Sunday, March 17 in downtown Baton Rouge. This announcement comes in light of the recent redrawing of the district, which now stretches from Caddo Parish in northwest Louisiana to East Baton Rouge Parish, encompassing a diverse and dynamic majority-Black electorate.

Event Details:

  • Date: Sunday, March 17, 2024
  • Time: 5:00 PM
  • Location: North Blvd Town Square, Downtown Baton Rouge
  • Weather: The event is planned to be held outdoors, weather permitting. Contingency details will be shared as needed.

Anderson, a Baton Rouge native and small business owner, has a long-standing history of community engagement and advocacy. His extensive background, from leading significant social justice initiatives to championing economic and educational reforms, underscores his commitment to fostering a society where justice and prosperity are accessible to all.

Anderson’s campaign is built on a foundation of promoting jobs, justice, and ensuring that every voice within the newly delineated district is heard and valued. His dedication to these principles is mirrored in his resolve to address the most pressing issues facing the district today, from healthcare accessibility to educational equity and economic development.

“This is a campaign about moving Louisiana forward,” said Anderson. “This district’s strength lies in its diversity, resilience, and shared commitment to a brighter future. On Sunday, I’ll outline a platform that champions policies that uplift every member of our community, ensuring that our collective future is built on the bedrock of fairness, opportunity, and justice.”

Anderson, 35, is the founder and owner of the communications firm Anderson Creative as well as the Director of The Justice Alliance, a nonprofit organization that organizes the My Louisiana Equality & Equity Summit. He is the former communications director for Together Baton Rouge and Together Louisiana. In 2020, he ran unsuccessfully for East Baton Rouge Metro Council, coming 106 votes shy of the runoff with eventual winner Councilwoman Carolyn Coleman. A graduate of McKinley Senior High School in Baton Rouge, he earned his undergraduate degree from Louisiana Tech University and his law degree from Louisiana State University.

The campaign kickoff event invites all residents of the 6th District, community leaders, and media representatives to join Quentin at the North Boulevard Town Square on Sunday, March 17 at 5pm.